Marcel Bullinga

Presentation Title
picture storm on regional development


Introduction: picture storm on regional development.

  • Castle: symbol of past but can also be that of the future.
  • Totnes, Devon is trying to be self-sufficient eg Totnes pound to reinforce local economy. Children are being educated in what it is to be in a high-tech rural knowledge economy, combining old and new. A real town with real people.
  • Sissinghurst castle dates from 1480. Tourists come to castle and gardens, important to see where we come from.
  • Owner wants to make it economically viable by producing and preparing own food – sowing seed of future by enforcing local economy.
  • But neighbour produces many food miles by exporting grain to India.
  • Challenges lie in changes, eg transition into new energy system.
  • Better quality of life if virtual services are improved – village can become like a city, so differences between the two will slow down. But rural needs to take on the positive, not the negative aspects of urban life.
  • List of top innovation cities in world, providing wealth and economic growth. Rural places will never appear on this list, but in 10-15 years there will be a list of innovation towns.
  • Rural future is vital to provide more pride, better identity and more effective branding.
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