Start Time: 15:30
Location: Suite Eaton or Suite La Fontaine
Flemming Just - Head of Danish Institute of Rural Research and Development
It has been recognized that a broadband gap exists in Europe both between North and South/East and between urban and rural/peripheral areas. In the most developed countries like the Netherlands and Denmark broadband is a possibility for almost all people, whereas the least developed areas in especially the newest EU member states only have a few per cent of the population connected to cyber world. As internet and broadband connections seems to be more and more integrated in public, private and commercial activities, the gap contributes to an increasing divide between regions and development potentials.
The workshop will discuss how broadband in practice contributes to create rural and regional development. Participants from all regions taking part in Vital Rural Areas are asked to prepare a short presentation based on concrete examples from their home region focusing on
- actual broadband situation (uptake)
- public policies to stimulate spread and use of broadband
- private sector contributions to spread and use of broadband
The workshop will be introduced by professor Flemming Just, Head of Danish Institute of Rural Research and Development. He will give an introductory speech on the broadband situation in Europe and examples of how broadband is utilized in Danish rural districts based on ongoing research.